Punchlines don't make a song

I'm sorry but punchlines won't get u anywhere. They might take u to FullClip(Yfm) and make u king of cyphers but my question is; Can u make a nice proper rap song that the next average listener relates to and loves? Punchlines are for rappers and we all know only a few rappers support other rappers. I began my statement with "I'm sorry" but fuck it, I take it back! I'm not sorry for anything, I'm only feeling sorry for rappers making music for rappers :(, it's really sad, gone are those days, they might act loyal by saying u dope/sick/ill/tight and give u all the praise names u can think of but if it doesn't help u get bread what's the point?

I'm a Mixing engineer and one thing that frustrates me is a bad song. If I'm given song to mix and the artist/client tells me it's a sad song, I should be able to feel the emotion and automatically be in that sad mood even when it's a foreign language I've never heard before. If a song doesn't change my mood in anyway, it's a bad song! (Opinion) it's like having sex with a numb dick, mxm...Dumb kid! Hehehehe...excuse me for rhyming

I love music and when we talk genre, I fell more in love with Rap/HipHop cause it speaks to me from the instrumentation to the words(lyrics) of the song. Not to say punchlines are unacceptable, all I'm saying is, have your punches thrown on a target so they are felt when they hit. If your song is about punchlines, that's the concept so stick to it but you can't have similar songs on your EP/mixtape or album, would u?. Take time to conceptualize and use your punchlines to support the concept if u so attached to punchlines

I can go on and on talking about Rappers and what they think will get them where they need to be. It's either they lie to themselves or there's a huge lack of honesty circulating around them. Music is about creation, creation comes from creativity even when doing the simplest thing like choosing the right snare for ur beat, how u want it to blend in with each instrument and sound proper to the next ear, that's creativity.